MLCA Winter 2023 Newsletter
Annual Holiday Tree Lighting!
Join your neighbors on Sunday, November 26th at 7pm for the Annual Holiday Tree Lighting in Meadowlark Park. This fun, family event is a long tradition in the neighborhood and a kickoff for the holidays!
The event will include music, hot chocolate, a cookies exchange, and a countdown to the lighting of the tree!
*NEW* Cookie Exchange: Please bring some of your favorite holiday cookies to share! Recipes too if you would like to share your secret! We will post them here on the website after the event.
Food Drive: Please bring canned food goods to the Tree Lighting event and MLCA will donate these to Jeffco Action Center!
All neighbors are welcome!!!
Annual Picnic Beats Mother Nature!
Early evening rain tried but could not spoil this year’s picnic! We had a great turn-out for our barbecue and pot luck, with a fun sidewalk chalk contest (once the street dried off)!. Thank you everyone for coming to enjoy this time together with food, music, and time with neighbors! Visit the photo album to see all the fun that was had!
Annual Meeting Success!
Our Annual Meeting on October 5th was well attended! We had an excellent Candidates Forum with Ward 1 City Council and Lakewood Mayor candidates thoughtfully answering questions. We also gathered your input on a few issues through our Community Poll.
Community Poll Results
At the Annual Meeting, and through a form on the MLCA website, we gathered your input on a series of questions for the neighborhood. The questions were 1.) whether MLCA should try to expand its boundaries, 2.) whether the location of the Holiday Tree should move to South Lakewood Elementary or remain at Meadowlark Park, and 3.) whether a portion of dues could be allocated toward a board appreciation meal/meeting.
The results on these questions were:
- 94% were in favor of trying to expand the MLCA boundaries
- 88% preferred keeping the Holiday Tree at Meadowlark Park
- 84% felt spending $100 on a board appreciation meal was a good way to recognize these volunteers

Park Improvements at Creighton Middle School!
Nearby Creighton Middle School is seeking some improvements to its outdoor facilities. An Outdoor Improvements Committee at Creighton Middle School is working to apply for a series of grants to replace and improve the outdoor facilities at the school. A first success is the installation of new tennis courts at the back of the school! These facilities are available to the community to use, so if you have not checked these out already, be sure to do so!
The next phases call for making additional improvements, including:
· Building a Basketball Court
· Creating a 4-Square area
· Installing Shaded Seating!
Learn more at their website:
Request for Donations!
The Outdoor Improvements Committee is looking for your support for the next phases of development. The Committee is applying for additional grants, but requires matching funds from the community for some grants.
Please donate any amount you can to help! Donations are tax deductible for persons and businesses. Use the QR code, or mail a check to:
Creighton Middle School
c/o Outdoor Improvements
50 S Kipling St
Lakewood, CO 80226
Creighton Middle School PTSA
Tax Exempt Number: 88-3486159

*NEW* Help a Neighbor Program
MLCA is starting a new program to match neighbors needing help with those able to provide it. Think snow shoveling, raking leaves, house chores, meals, etc. Please contact us if you are interested in providing or receiving help!
2023 MLCA Events
Tuesday May 2nd 2023 — MLCA Board and Members Meeting, 7pm at Lakewood Church of Christ 100 Carr St
Thursday May 11, 2023 - SLE Community Garden Grand opening 4- 6pm.
Saturday June 3rd, 2023 — *New* Community Bike Ride! Meadowlark Park, 9am
Friday June 9th, 2023 — Pay your household annual dues by this date to be entered to win a gift certificate to a local business!
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, June 9th, 10th, 11th, 2023 — Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale, 8am — 4 pm
*Every Other* Tuesday in June, July, and August — *New* Food Trucks at Meadowlark Park, 5pm—7pm (June 13, June 27, July 11, July 25, August 8, and August 22)
Saturday August 12, 2023 - FREE live concert at the South Lakewood Elementary Community garden, 5pm - 7pm.
Sunday August 27th, 2023 — MLCA Annual Picnic, Meadowlark Park, 5pm
Tuesday October 5th, 2023 — MLCA Annual Meeting, Lakewood United Church of Christ, 7pm
Sunday, November 26th, 2023 — Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, Meadowlark Park, 7 pm
Visit our photo album to see these events in action!
Letter from the President
It’s that time of year again! Our traditional Annual Tree Lighting event will be at Meadowlark Park on Sunday evening, November 26th at 7pm. We will have music, hot chocolate, and the lighting of the tree! Please join us to begin the celebration of the holiday season. New this year we will also have holiday lights on display at South Lakewood Elementary. Enjoy this additional holiday cheer as you are in the neighborhood and around the school!
Our Annual Meeting saw about fifty (50) neighbors in attendance. The Candidates Forum with participation from Ward 1 City Council and Lakewood Mayor candidates was excellent—thank you to the candidates and the audience for making this a very civil and thoughtful debate about the issues relevant to Lakewood!
At the Annual Meeting we also asked for your input via a Community Poll. With a form at the meeting, and also available on the website, we asked you for direction about important questions for our organization. There was overwhelming support for trying to expand the boundaries of MLCA to include the area from Carr to Wadsworth and 1st to 6th. There was strong support for keeping the Tree Lighting event at Meadowlark Park as opposed to moving this event to South Lakewood Elementary. See the nearby article and the website for more details about the poll.
We are wrapping up a successful year for MLCA. Thank you to Board members Ed Black, Carol Cook, Joedan Hite, John Hunter, Tina Klismith, and Cassie Kotter for making it such a great year! We added new events, and new twists on long-standing events with the goal of further strengthening our community. I think we were successful, and we will continue this good work in 2024.
Enjoy the rest of the year and the holiday season! See you in the neighborhood.
Chris Gibbons, President
South of 6th Sustainability
In 2016, the South of 6th Neighborhood was officially recognized as a Lakewood Sustainable Neighborhood. The South of 6th group hosts opportunities for engagement with your neighbors around all topics relating to conservation, community building, and overall sustainable practices.
South of 6th Sustainable Neighborhood has a website!
Check it out for upcoming gatherings and events -
Email us at with questions about planning gatherings.
Upcoming South of 6th Events!
- April 1st — Seed Swap at Meadowlark Park 1pm — 3pm Bring any extra seeds you don’t plan to plant and swap with neighbors!
- April 22nd — City of Lakewood Earth Day Celebration, Belmar Park
- May 6th — Backyard Compost Workshop. Check website for updates on time and location details
- May 11th — Community Garden Grand Opening! South Lakewood Elementary, 4pm — 6pm
- August 12th - Concert in the South Lakewood Elementary Community Garden, 5pm - 7pm
- August 27th - Annual picnic zero waste
- September 30th - Energy Fair at South Lakewood Elementary, 2pm - 4pm
- October 14th - Fruit gleaning from neighborhood trees
- November 4th - Leaves and pumpkin recycling
- December 10th - Christmas light recycling
- January 7th - Christmas tree recycling
MLCA has a number of ways you can get involved:
- Volunteer for a committee of MLCA
- Consider serving on the Board of Directors for MLCA - we are seeking a Secretary, Treasurer, and general board members
MLCA is seeking new business sponsors!
Sponsors help MLCA in a variety of ways and we are so grateful to them! They donate funds, gift cards, equipment, time, and space so that the Mid-Lakewood Civic Association can provide fun events and meaningful projects for our residents. Without them, we would not be able to do everything that we do. Check out the businesses who support our organization on our business sponsor page!
Do you own a local business that could support the Mid-Lakewood Civic Association? Please contact us below!
2023 Mid-Lakewood Civic Association Board of Directors
Chris Gibbons, President
Cassie Kotter, Vice President
John Hunter, Treasurer (position opening in 2024)
Open, Secretary
Board Members:
Ed Black, Carol Cook, JoeDan Hite, Tina Klismith, [Vacant]
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