Join Neighborhood Watch!
Neighborhood Watch is a nationally recognized program that aids in crime prevention.
Basic Crime Prevention
Practice crime safety measures that eliminate opportunities for criminals.
Aid others when they become victims of crime.

Disaster Preparedness
Learn skills to prepare for man-made and natural disasters.
Encourage Citizen Involvement in preparation and planning.

Build Stronger Community
Get to know your neighbors while making your community a better place.
Look out for one another.

How it Works
1. A designated block assigns an individual as Watch Captain.
2. The Neighborhood Watch Captains will compile the addresses/phone numbers/emails of interested residents on their block.
3. The group of interested residents meet with Lakewood Police once a year to discuss concerns. The police will provide strategies to reduce crime in our neighborhood.
4. We implement the suggested strategies and keep our eyes out for suspicious behaviors in the neighborhood. The contact list (from step 2) can be used to notify neighbors of suspicious activities.
5. The watch group can meet 1-3 times a year to discuss ongoing issues and strategies. Each watch group can be designated a sign to post in the neighborhood to signify that there are concerned, alert, citizens participating in the Neighborhood Watch Program.

Learn more from the City of Lakewood Police Department
Contact the MLCA board to find out if your block has a neighborhood watch program:
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