MLCA Summer 2024 Newsletter
Membership Dues Contest Winners!!!
Congrats to Don & Julie Gill, Craig & Leann Jensen, Darel & Joan Saindon, and Clayton Dewey for winning a $25 gift card for First Watch restaurant for early dues payment!
We try to make payment as convenient as possible. Here are the 3 ways you can pay your dues!
1) You can pay online here:
2) Mail in your payment:
Mid-Lakewood Civic Association
P.O. Box 150133
Lakewood, CO 80215
3) Drop off your payment:
9005 W. 2nd Ave
Lakewood, CO 80226
MLCA Civic Committee
The new MLCA Civic Committee strives to stay informed of current events and laws that impact the residents of MLCA. The MLCA website ( will be used to notify residents of important changes, meetings, and forums. Residents of MLCA may be interested in Lakewood City Council Meetings or Ward 1 meetings held with City Council members the first Saturday of the month from 9:30am -11am at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, 920 Kipling St, Lakewood, CO, 80215.
Annual Neighborhood Picnic in August!
Join your neighbors Sunday, August 25th at Meadowlark Park, starting at 5pm. There will be fun events for the kids (bounce houses! face painting! a sidewalk chalk art contest!), music, lawn games, and prize drawings for all MLCA members. You can pay your membership dues at the picnic to be eligible for a prize!
Please bring a side dish to share, and the Mid-Lakewood Civic Association will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, and all the fixings. Don’t forget your chairs & blankets! All neighbors are welcome!
The picnic has become a Zero Waste Event, thanks to the efforts of our South of 6th Sustainable Neighborhood, and the City of Lakewood. Consider bringing your own washable plate, cup/water bottle & utensils.
All neighbors are welcome!!!

Annual Meeting in October!
Join your neighbors Thursday, October 3rd at Lakewood United Church of Christ at 100 Carr St. for our Annual Meeting, starting at 7pm. We will have candidates for the November elections attending to introduce themselves and answer your questions. We also will elect a new slate of members for the MLCA Board.
Lakewood Neighborhood Participation Program
The Lakewood Neighborhood Participation Program (NPP) offers grants of up to $60,000 for qualifying physical improvement projects that residents believe will make a difference in their neighborhood. For 2024, MLCA applied for grants through the Lakewood NPP for:
- Improved landscaping and signage for the Alameda/Carr entrance
- An art sculpture to be installed at Balsam Pond park, and
- Benches for Meadowlark Park!
Come discuss these ideas and your ideas at the Oct 3rd meeting! We hope to have an update by then regarding the awarded 2023 funds too.
2024 MLCA Events
Thursday May 16th 2024 — MLCA Board and Members Meeting — Lakewood United Church of Christ (1st and Carr), 7pm
Thursday May 30st, 2024 — Movie Night — South Lakewood Elementary, 8pm (movie starts at 8:30pm)!
Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, June 7th, 8th, 9th, 2024 — Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale, 8am — 4 pm
Tuesday June 11, Tuesday July 9, and Tuesday August 13 — Food Trucks at Meadowlark Park, 5pm
Saturday June 15th, 2024 — Community Bike Ride! Meadowlark Park—9am (Saturday June 22nd make-up date if poor weather)
Sunday August 25th, 2024 — MLCA Annual Picnic, Meadowlark Park, 5pm
Thursday October 3rd, 2024 — MLCA Annual Meeting, Lakewood United Church of Christ, 7pm
Sunday, December 1st, 2024 — Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony, Meadowlark Park
Letter from the President
The summer is hot and passing quickly, and soon our neighborhood children will be groaning that school is starting. Yes, it’s another great summer for our neighborhood and for MLCA!
MLCA has held several events so far this year, applied for additional improvement grants, and welcomed four new members to the Board!
- The Community Bike Ride in June was a great way to have some fun with a riding tour around the neighborhood!
- The Summer Food Trucks at Meadowlark Park have been a fun event for neighbors to grab a bite and socialize at Meadowlark park. We hope you can join for the last one on August 13!
- We learned interesting information about crime and safety in Lakewood from the Coffee With a Cop event on July 20!
- We applied for additional Neighborhood Participation Program (NPP) grants; see the nearby article for details, and
- We welcome Geneva Locke, Becky Rinehart, Bobby Rinehart, and Jasmine West to the MLCA Board. Thank you for joining us!
We have more events coming for the late summer and fall! Please mark your calendars for the annual Neighborhood Picnic which will be on Sunday August 25th, and the Tree Lighting which will be on Sunday December 1st.
The MLCA Annual Meeting will be on Thursday October 3rd. We will host a Candidates Forum with candidates for Colorado House District 30 in attendance to answer your questions. We will also be voting as an organization on whether to increase the number of MLCA Board positions, and voting on the MLCA Board members for the next year.
All this is only possible with your financial support, so please send in your dues (or pay on the MLCA website) to support our neighborhood.
Here’s to a great rest of 2024!
Chris Gibbons, President
Business Sponsors
MLCA is so grateful for the support of local businesses! These organizations provide goods for events, monetary donations, and assist with volunteers or space for events and advertising. If you have a business you would like to advertise in our newsletter, website, or on posters at our events, please contact us!
Thank you to the sponsor of our yard sale, Karin Kallander @BHHS Colorado Real Estate!

South of 6th - Sustainable Neighborhood
In 2016, the South of 6th Neighborhood was officially recognized as a Lakewood Sustainable Neighborhood. The South of 6th group hosts opportunities for engagement with your neighbors around all topics relating to conservation, community building, and overall sustainable practices.
Upcoming South of 6th events include:
- Saturday, August 10th Garden Tour. Start at 70 S Allison St. at 9am
- Saturday, September 28th 11:30am Paint Recycling. Location TBD
- Saturday, October 5th 11:30am Fruit Gleaning. Location TBD
- Sunday, October 6th 11:30am Apple Sauce Making. Location TBD
Contact or visit for details
Look for more events coming this summer and fall for South of 6th!
MLCA has a number of ways you can get involved:
- Attend the Oct 3rd Annual Meeting!
- Work with the committees for the Picnic and Tree Lighting events
- Volunteer for another committee of MLCA
- Consider serving on the Board of Directors for MLCA
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